£ 90
per person
Just 20km north of Krakow lies the beautiful and charming Ojcow Valley, famous among Krakovians for its nature, breathtaking Jurrasic limestone rock formations and medieval "Eagles' Nests" castles. It's a very popular spot for all the locals to spend their free time during weekends as it feels like far in the mountains and yet it's so close to the city. Charming cottages, lush green trees and tall rocks make it an ideal location for leisure. This laid-back private tour is an ideal option to admire the beauty of Krakow's nature and feel like a typical Krakovian during the weekend.
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Book Auschwitz Tour - everyone should visit this place at least once in their life. Auschwitz Birkenau is the largest mass murder site in human history.
Book Krakow to Auschwitz tour combined with a visit to Wieliczka Salt Mine - save your time and money by visiting these two important sites in one day